Build a Focused Online Persona With Your Content Obsession

Discover how content focus can resonate better than a broad content strategy.
About the Speaker

Karthik Puvvada (KP)

Karthik Puvvada (known by his friends and online as "KP") is a 5x founder, podcast host, angel investor, advisor, coach and a leader of the "build in public" movement.
Heartbeat is the all-in-one platform for community businesses.
About this video

In this video, KP shares invaluable insights about finding focus in your content creation journey. He highlights the importance of marrying your obsession with resonance from your audience. KP himself faced a scattered content landscape until he discovered his obsession with "building in public." The content resonated with his audience, paving the way for him to niche down. He emphasizes that it's crucial to let your content obsessions guide you and build upon what truly captivates you and your audience, ultimately leading to a more focused and impactful online presence.

Video Transcript