📚 Book Club

Read a book together with weekly meetups to discuss.

What's included


📚 book club


📚 Book Club Overview

⭐️ How to Lead a Meetup

📘 Meetup Recap (Drafts)


📚 Book Club Meetups


Book Club 📚

This is a great fit if...

✅ You love to read books!

✅ Reading would help members grow

✅ Members want to take leadership roles

This is a poor fit if...

❌ Your members dislike long-form content

❌ Members aren’t looking to learn or up-skill

❌ Members are apathetic

Automation Setup

Here's a quick video to walk you through all your automation setup 👇👇👇

How to run & manage this experience


1. Allow members opt-in.

Since book clubs require high engagement from members, have them opt-in. Even better, have the opt-in per-book. For each book the club reads together give members the chance to opt-in or quietly decline. This will ensure that everyone in the club, for each book, is genuinely excited to be there & will keep engagement high.

2. Dole out chapters.

Once members have opted in, split the book into 6 sections. Have members volunteer to lead the discussion on one of the 6 sessions. If you have lots of members in the club, you can have 2-3 members lead the discussion on each section.

We want members to lead these discussions so they can co-create the experience of the book club & design it into the type of experience they really enjoy. This collaboration is where a lot of the magic for the experience will come from. Use the first thread in the 📚 book club channel to have people choose which sessions they want to lead. You can edit & update the main thread as sections are claimed.

Good practice is for you to lead the first session (to set the tone & give others an example to look up to) and then have your members lead the next 5.

3. Update members when their session is coming up.

Send members a DM 2-3 days before they are scheduled to lead a book club session. This will give them some time to read the section & prepare if they haven’t already. Send them the “⭐️ How to Lead a Meetup” doc to give them something to work off of.


1. Kick-off the event.

Thank everyone for being there. Play some lo-fi music in the beginning (you can “screenshare” audio in zoom) as people trickle in to set the tone for the call.

2. Introduce the members leading the discussion.

Before diving in, have them pose a fun question in the chat to get people ready to engage & warmed up. Easy example questions:

  • What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
  • What’s the best meal you’ve ever eaten?
  • What’s the next trip you want to take?
  • What song have you been listening to a lot recently?

3. Allow them to lead the discussion.

They’ll likely have a couple slides, discussion points prepared. While it might be a little awkward at first, give them a few minutes to get into the they rhythm of things. For more info on what we recommend members do when leading a book club meetup, check out the ⭐️ How to Lead a Meetup document that’s created for you with this Experience.

7. In the last 10 minutes, solidify the learnings in chat.

“Can everyone drop one this in the chat that they learned or found insightful during this call?”

8. Remind folks about the next session & who’s leading it.

This is a good time to give people a heads up if they’re leading the next session 😁


1. Add notes from the call to a recap doc.

Notes don’t need to be super detailed — just pull out interesting insights, quotes, and high-level discussion topics. Use the templates in Admin - Drafts to do this easily.

2. Post a quick “thanks for coming” thread.

Use this to link back to the recap document using Heartbeat’s “$” notation.

3. Once the book is completed, have members vote on the next book to read.

You can also use the book club members to narrow down to 3 options & pose those to the rest of the community if you want to grow the size of the book club!

This is where members also have a chance to opt-out of the next book club (i.e. if life gets busy or the next book doesn’t interest them as much). This is a good thing — it keeps the activity levels high within the book club & doesn’t punish people for having busy lives!

4. Message inactive members.

People that aren’t contributing to the book club should be messaged. If there’s prolonged inactivity from them, then remove them after a couple follow-ups. While this seems a bit mean, it protects the rest of the members in your book club & ensures that you’re keeping a really concentrated group of highly engaged folks rather than watering down the activity levels with dis-engaged members.

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