Tatiana Figueiredo: So with working in, working with a bunch of different community business leaders, I found that there are basically. Like very broadly in the early stages of a business, they're like the three stages that people are in and they often get stuck in stage one or two.
Stage one is pre-launch, so that is, you have an idea, but you haven't yet. Gather people in any way. And you also haven't sold people anything, so you're really pre-launch. Maybe you signed up for heartbeat, but you haven't yet publicized your community, invited people in.
So that's stage one. Stage two is you have launched something. You have people in your community, and you've charged people for something within your community, but it's not yet consistently paying you a full-time salary. So this takes a while to, to build up. It could take a while to build up, but the idea is you're making money.
But like your goal in this stage is to really get it to a sustainable, a predictable amount of revenue that you're getting every quarter, every month, or whatever that looks like for you. And then the goal is to get to the expansion stage, which this means you're making a full-time salary from your community, whatever that means to you and your business model, your sales channels, everything is working consistently for you.
You can predict what's gonna happen within your business. You've gotten to some sense of recurring revenue. So this is what the three of them look like side by side. And I'd love for you to put into the chat. What stage are you in? Are you one, two, or three? Just so I get a sense of where you are.
Yeah. One, a lot of ones, which is great. Cool. So lots of ones and twos, which makes sense. Between one and two. Perfect. A lot of us get stuck in between those two. Okay. So let's just take a second to reflect what's in the way for you. From moving into the next stage if you can put into the chat, is it lack of knowledge?
Is it lack of community is, what is it that's in your way from going from where you are into the next stage? Lack of time. Investment. What is it? Lack of community and time. Yeah. Clarity, time and small team. Yeah. Building from scratch. What first, like this overwhelm of okay. What does it mean to move from one to two? Yeah. Investment and the attracting the right people. Helping people see the value of the membership over done for you one-on-one offerings. Yeah. Deciding on which idea to pursue and how to best grow the community.
Whether free tier is a good strategy. Spoiler alert, I say no. Lack of clarity in community, starting from almost zero. How to convince people to invest time inside the community. People not engaging, lack of time, juggling other business initiatives. Tech hurdle. How much to build before launch. Minimum viable community. Yeah. Deciding what I wanna include. Small community and still people not engaging, creating something people will pay for all of the above.
Okay. So like I said, I've been in your place, and it wasn't even that long ago. I launched my community, I think it was like a year and a half ago. And all of those things were relevant to me. The difference is that I have been helping people do this for their own community. So I don't wanna act I, I came from a completely blind place.
But I did have all of these questions and it was through thinking about them and building that up that I figured out how to do it. And this is like one way for one process for you to look at it and like break out of whatever stage that you're in if you're moving to the next one.